When it comes to dead sea salt, the question of whether or not it's good can almost sound like a foreign concept. After all, who, other than those who have been ill with various ailments, would think of using a bath salt to ease their discomfort? Fortunately for those in pain, the answer is an unqualified yes! Dead Sea Salts work amazingly well to treat many skin ailments, from psoriasis and eczema to excessively dry or oily skin, without any added fragrances or colors.

They're so wonderful, in fact, that you may find it hard to believe that they are able to help with almost any condition. So, what makes this bath salt wonders so special? Actually, aside from their ability to soothe your skin, they have several other uses as well. From alleviating many of the symptoms of pollen allergies to easing muscle pain and arthritis, dead sea salts can be used for just about anything.

As for how they work to treat your skin, most bath salts contain one or more forms of magnesium sulfate. Magnesium sulfate is the main ingredient in magnesium chloride, which is also commonly known as Epsom salt. The purest forms of magnesium sulfate retain a white crystalline structure known as "magnesium sulfate". Other forms of magnesium sulfate are less crystalline, which gives them a reddish, eggshell appearance. The color and texture vary according to the different forms of magnesium sulfate used in the bath salt.

In addition to the moisturizing properties mentioned above, bath salts also often include a little bit of sodium. Sodium chloride is used to help draw water into the cells of the body, where it is needed for energy production. Most of the salt is available anywhere that chemical-based ingredients are sold, including supermarkets and drugstores. You can also find Epsom salt in health food stores and even in some convenience stores. You should be sure to read labels carefully, though, because not all brands of bath salt contain the pure forms of magnesium sulfate listed above.

Besides moisturizing your skin and providing some much-needed relief from stiffness and soreness, bath salts can actually be quite beneficial when it comes to healing various types of muscle pain and conditions, such as tennis elbow and fibromyalgia. Because the ingredients work on your muscles by softening and permeating the tissue, they eliminate irritation and allow the muscles to relax. They are particularly useful for athletes who spend a lot of time in training and competing, since they can alleviate pain and reduce swelling associated with strenuous exercise. For these and other reasons, you may want to consider taking a few drops of dead sea salt daily to help ease your body's aches, pains, and moodiness.

The effects of bath salts, however, extend far beyond the benefits experienced while using them for skin care. High levels of magnesium sulfate in bath salts can have negative effects on your kidney and liver, even when they are used in very small amounts. Researchers have reported cases of renal failure and high levels of potassium loss in people who regularly take bath salts, as well as in animals. This is not a result of the salt itself, it is caused by high levels of potassium loss due to the addition of extra sodium to the diet. To avoid this potentially fatal side effect, stick with a regular saline bath instead.

Many people who suffer from migraines also swear by essential oils in conjunction with bath salt. Essential oils such as Rosemary, peppermint, and lavender have proven to have calming effects and relieve stress and tension. Aromatherapy has been used for centuries to treat a wide variety of ailments and conditions, many of which mirror those found in traditional medicine. If essential oils are added to your bath salt mixes, you should see an improvement in your overall mood and disposition almost immediately.

People who suffer from chronic pain and cramps due to arthritis, fibromyalgia, or other conditions find that using bath salts relieves these symptoms. Because the salt soaks into the soft tissue, it relaxes the muscles in the body and relieves chronic sore muscles that can be very painful. Some researchers have reported an increase in energy, a decrease in fatigue, and an increase in blood circulation after taking a bath or shower using the salts. This last benefit is the result of the increased blood flow, which researchers believe helps to flush toxins from the body.