Facebook Chat Bots is applications that will automatically engage users in conversation on Facebook to provide instant information, answer questions, provide relevant custom content and even deliver personalized messages. This is actually a very advanced form of AI (machine learning) and just like all artificial intelligence, it makes use of deep learning in order to develop a plan for response and interaction. As of the time of writing, Facebook Chat Bots is available in three major variants. They are as follows: Messenger Bot, Hipaa Bot, and WaveBot. The latter two are the more advanced versions and work hand-in-hand with Facebook's user community to deliver custom chat solutions.

Messenger bots have been designed specifically for Facebook Messenger. This is due to the fact that Facebook Messenger is by far the most popular social media platform on the web today. It also happens to be one of the biggest networks that are assessed daily by millions of users. Being able to effectively use a Messenger Bot to your advantage would be a great step towards expanding your marketing and customer base. However, due to Facebook's recent merger with Hootsuite, many Facebook Chat Bots will soon be rendered obsolete.

The new Chat Bots introduced by Facebook is more conversational in nature. These are made so because Facebook users are now demanding more from their social networking websites. In the past, chat Bots were limited to simple text-based conversations. Now, chat Bots are capable of engaging in both text and voice communication. To enable this, Hootsuite and Facebook have teamed up to integrate a bot engine called Botox into Messenger Chat Bots. What this entails is that every conversation a Bot engages in will not be cut off due to a low internet signal or connection.

This integration between Facebook and Hootsuite goes beyond mere integration of two of the most popular social networking platforms. Botox is actually a type of protein that can be injected into a person's muscles. Once injected, the muscle becomes more relaxing and more responsive to small movements and actions. Hootsuite's code uses the Botox process as a means for allowing Facebook Chat Bots to quickly answer text cards. In this way, a user could essentially have a text card answered by a bot without having to press any buttons.

Along with the integration of a Facebook Chatbot, Facebook Hootsuite now includes the integration of its own backend system that will allow other third party applications to integrate with it. One of the popular integrations that has been integrated by Facebook Chat Bots is the integration of Twitter. Currently, Twitter does not have a way for its users to directly reply to Facebook Chat Bots. The reason why this is the case is because Facebook Hootsuite allows its users to tap into the functionality provided by a Twitter chatbot. So now, Facebook users are able to use Facebook chat Bots on their Facebook accounts in order to reply to posted tweets.

Aside from integrating Twitter and Facebook together, Facebook Hootsuite now integrates with Hootsuite's upcoming Botox. Botox is one of the most reliable and fastest growing cosmetic plastic surgery procedures available today. Botox injections have allowed people to regain the appearance they had prior to having the procedure. The Hootsuite Botox service is available for a limited time only, so now is a great time for cosmetic owners to avail of this service and regain the lost beauty of their faces.

In the future, this bot integrates with Hootsuite's upcoming Botox service. This service is currently available in Thailand and is known to be very successful. As soon as the beta phase is released in the United States and other locations, many more people will be enticed to avail of this service. Facebook chatbot technology has the ability to send live messages to anyone anytime and anywhere. Once this service becomes available in other countries, the power of social media marketing will become even further enhanced.

Facebook chatbot is another example of how developers are using technology to make their businesses more successful. With the help of this software, chat rooms can be easily integrated into existing websites. This feature provides users with a new avenue for making connections and interacting with other people. Given these great features, chatbot technology will continue to grow and become integral to different types of internet businesses.