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How can we Fix the Plastic Problem?

There is a huge problem with plastic, and we need to do something about it. Unfortunately, it's not easy to solve. But there are ways to start reducing our use of plastic, and eventually we'll be able to solve the problem. Here are some tips: 

1. Cut down on your plastic use. If you can't avoid using plastic, try to use less of it. For example, if you're at the grocery store and want to buy packaged food, try buying items that you can eat right away or that you can store in a container for later. If you want to know more about how to solve plastic problems though this website: 

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2. Support reusable materials. If you're not sure whether something is reusable or not, ask! Many times reusable materials (like bags) are given away for free or cost very little to purchase.

3. Use fewer packaging materials. When you buy something, think about what could be packaged in paper instead of plastic. For example, could the item be stored in a jar or container? Could it be eaten fresh or frozen? Could it be delivered in a paper box?

4. Compost things that you don't need. Not only is composting good for the environment and your health, it's also good for your pocketbook. Recycling materials (plastic, paper, glass) saves money.

5. Use cloth bags for groceries. This is especially important if you're buying fresh fruits and vegetables. If you package foods in plastic, there is a chance that food will get contaminated before it reaches its final destination.

6. Use reusable containers to transport liquids during summer camp or while traveling.