The phase I environmental site assessment (or Phase I ESA) is the first step to determine if a commercial property is at high risk of contamination. This report is used by buyers and sellers to determine whether the property or its surroundings are at risk of contamination. 

A Phase I ESA is often required by potential buyers to avoid the cost of remediation on contaminated properties once they become theirs. You can also browse andersenint for more information about phase 1 environmental site assessment.

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment

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The Phase II assessment relies on samples and analytic data to assess contamination. The Phase I ESA, however, is based on a variety of information.

This information is used to assess the situation:

* Review of Various Records

* Site Inspection

* Interviews

Review of Various Records – The records include information about the previous owners and their uses. Certain types of usage could indicate contamination. The same applies to the land surrounding it. The review will usually include aerial photographs, which can be compared with current photos to show the time frame for the development of the property in question and the surrounding areas. 

For related information, agencies such as the fire department and health departments can be contacted. You can even search online for more information about phase 1 environmental.