Many people aren't confident in tiling a bathroom. It doesn't have to be difficult to learn how to tile a bathroom. It is possible to tile a bathroom if you practice and prepare properly.

These tips and tricks are not required to be an expert, but they will help you get started. Follow our step-by-step guide to tile a bathroom. You'll soon be a pro at tiling! To speed up the process if you don't have the time, hire your local Perth specialist tilers.

What Bathroom Tiles are Right for You?

The size of the bathroom should be considered when you are tiling it. Bathroom tiles that are too large can look smaller in small bathrooms. Small bathrooms will prefer medium or smaller tiles. The majority of bathroom tiles are ceramic or porcelain.

These tiles are affordable. Both options have their advantages. Ceramic tiles are more durable than porcelain tiles. This can mean that they are sometimes more expensive than ceramic tiles. You don't have to choose tiles that are durable if you are tiling bathroom walls. You can choose any style of tile you like.

What number of tiles do I need?

To tile a bathroom, it is important to use the correct amount of tiles. Before you start, measure your bathroom. Although it may seem obvious, double-check the dimensions of any tiles you purchase. Make sure the tiles you select correspond to your bathroom measurements in centimeters and inches.

Numerous calculators are available online to help you determine how many tiles will be needed to cover your bathroom. Be sure to measure accurately. You should always buy 10% more tiles than what you actually need. When you tile a bathroom, there will be waste and breakage. It is a good idea to have spare tiles in case you need them.