Presbyopia occurs as we get older due to losing elasticity within the cornea of our eyes. If this happens the most common symptoms include eye strain and trouble reading fine print or figuring out objects close or in dim light. 

Therefore, when a person has presbyopia, it is harder to concentrate on objects close to the eyes, and it is more difficult to distinguish objects further away. Actually, some patients with presbyopia may even be believed to have 20/20 vision. Presbyopia is a problem that is solved by using effective eye drops.

treatments for presbyopia

In the past, the only option to fix presbyopia was to use glasses. They were generally reading glasses or bifocals that aid with reading small print or focusing on objects close by.

However, in recent years opticians have started suggesting the use of eye drops to treat presbyopia. This has improved the comfort of those suffering from the effects of aging eyes. It's important to keep in mind that one must consult an optician before you use eye drops for correcting presbyopia.

Each of the methods that are used to treat presbyopia has distinct advantages and disadvantages and it will take a certain amount of time to adjust to.

There are mono-vision lenses, bifocal lenses as well as multifocal lenses to choose from. Whatever lens an optician may recommend, they must make time to explain to the patient the way the lenses function and how the patient can adapt to these lenses. 

There's also the possibility that some patients may be unable to see properly due to presbyopia. This is why it's crucial to discuss the potential consequences with an optometrist prior to applying contact lenses to treat presbyopia.