Breast problems including lumps, pain and discharge are usually discovered by self examination and they can be pretty scary for a woman because they make her think of breast cancer. Not all breast problems signalize this disease, but this does not mean that it can't be other serious conditions. 

Women should check with their physician every time they notice symptoms of bust discharge and breast cancer. It might be nothing or it might be their opportunity to identify a fatal disease in useful time and get adequate treatment. It has been often said that periodical self examination of breasts can save lives.

Breast lumps can occur for various reasons and in most of the cases they are not cancerous. However, the woman should undergo some tests to be sure of their nature. In young women breast lumps are often the result of hormonal changes and occur before the period. 

If they soon disappear, they are nothing to worry about. In women over 30, a breast lump requires a mammography and perhaps other tests to exclude the possibility of cancer. Breast lumps can be cysts, adenomas or abscess lumps. 

Discharge often affects women who breastfeed. Your physician is best entitled to say if nipple discharge requires further investigations or not.