Concrete is a composite material made up of fine aggregate and Portland cement. When mixed together, these two ingredients form a very strong and durable substance. There are many different types of concrete, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. If you want to buy such type of concrete, you could look here.


concrete cleaning


Here are the five most common types of concrete:

STONE Masonry: This type of concrete is made from crushed stone. It is strong and can withstand heavy loads, but it is not as resistant to moisture damage as other types of concrete.

GravelMasonry: This type of concrete is made from crushed rocks and gravel. It is similar to stonemasonry in that it is strong and can withstand heavy loads. 

Precast Concrete: This type of concrete is made by casting a mixture of cement, sand, water, and lime into molds. 

Porous Concrete: This type of concrete is made from small pores that allow water vapor to escape. Porous concrete is less resistant to moisture damage than other types of concrete, but it can be more aesthetically pleasing.

Reinforced Concrete: This type of concrete is made from small steel rebar strands that are embedded in the concrete. It is strong and resistant to damage, but it requires more time and effort to install than other types of concrete.

All five types of concrete are generally safe to use, but there are some precautions you should take when working with them.