Assault and battery is a criminal offense that occurs when one person unlawfully harms or attempts to harm another person. The term “assault and battery” is often used interchangeably, but they are actually two separate offenses. Assault is an intentional threat of violence that causes the victim to fear for their safety. The battery is the actual physical act of violence committed against the victim.

If you have been charged with assault and battery, it is important that you contact an experienced Denver assault and battery attorney via The Law Offices of Decker & Jones who can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights.

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Assault and battery can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of the offense. Misdemeanor assault and battery offenses are typically punishable by a fine or up to one year in jail. In contrast, felony offenses can result in much harsher penalties, including up to 20 years in prison. Assault is defined as an attempt to commit a battery, or the intentional placing of another person in fear of imminent bodily harm. The battery is defined as the intentional causing of bodily harm to another person.

There are many attorneys who specialize in criminal defense, but not all of them have experience handling assault and battery cases. When you are looking for an attorney, be sure to ask about their experience with these types of cases. You should also ask about their success rate in court. A good attorney will be honest with you about their experience and their success rate so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not they are the right attorney for you.