Cosmetic dentistry has a long and varied history, dating back to ancient civilizations. Throughout the years, advancements in dental technology have led to the development of modern cosmetic dentistry. Today, cosmetic dentistry can be used to improve the appearance of your teeth and smile. Adelaide cosmetic dentist is a broad term that refers to any procedure that aims to improve the natural appearance of teeth. 

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Some common procedures include fillings (to restore missing tooth substance), crowns (to cover unhealthy or decayed teeth), veneers (thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded to the surface of teeth), and restoration (placement of artificial bonding materials).

The roots of modern cosmetic dentistry can be traced back to 1849, when Dr. Charles Tegethoff performed the first dental implant surgery in the U.S. Since then, cosmetic dentistry has evolved into an extremely comprehensive field with many options available for patients seeking quality dental care.

The history of cosmetic dentistry is a long and colorful one. From the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, who used cosmetics to cover up their tooth decay, to the Chinese, who were the first to use mercury as a dental fixative more than 2,000 years ago, there has been an ongoing interest in improving dental appearance.

One of the earliest recorded cases of Cosmetic Dentistry was in 600 BC when King Ptolemy II of Egypt had his molars repaired using gold and ivory fillings. The practice quickly spread to other parts of Europe, and by the Middle Ages, there were many educated people who knew about dental aesthetics.