Organic flours are made from ingredients that have been grown without pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals. These flours have a slightly different flavor than their conventionally produced counterparts, and they can be used to make some of the same baked goods.

Some organic flours are made from sorghum, millet, teff, and amaranth. These flours are usually used in breads, cakes, cookies, and other sweet treats. They are also good for making yeast breads and pastries because they don't rise as much as other types of flour.

Organic attas can be pricey compared to their conventional counterparts, but they're worth it if you care about your environmental impact. 

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Why use organic flour?

The benefits of using organic flour are many. Not only does it have a lower environmental impact, but it is also higher in nutrients and has a more intense flavor than regular flour. There are also health benefits to be had from eating organic food, as it has less harmful pesticides and fertilizers. When you cook with organic flour, you’re also supporting small farmers and giving them a chance to sell their produce at a higher price. 

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to use organic flour in your recipes. However, if you value the environmental and health benefits of organic food, using organic flour is a great way to make sure that your meals are as sustainable as possible.