Builder's Mildura is a contraction of the two words "building" and "mildura". It is located in Victoria, Australia. The area has a population of about 61,000 people and covers an area of 153.5 square kilometers. It became a municipality in 1993 and is governed by a mayor and eight councilors. 

The municipality's major industries are agriculture and tourism. Other important sectors include manufacturing (including furniture production), health care, information technology, engineering, and retail trade. The municipality also has significant resources (such as coal) which have been used to power local businesses and factories. 

One of the primary benefits of Builder’s Mildura residents is that it is close to major urban centers (such as Melbourne) but still retains its own unique character. 

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How Does It Affect You?

If you're like most people, you probably don't think about Mildura all that much. But if you're in the construction industry, or work with construction materials, then you should be aware of what's going on in this small town in Victoria.

Mildura is home to two major construction companies: Boral and Grocon. These companies are responsible for a lot of the construction happening in Mildura – both big projects and small ones.

What does this mean for you? It means that if you work with construction materials or work with construction crews, you're likely using products manufactured by either Boral or Grocon.

These companies have a huge impact on the economy of Mildura – they create jobs and support local businesses. They also drive up prices for goods and services in the area – so it's important that we keep an eye on their activities.