There are a lot of controversies when it comes to water. Some people argue that drinking tap water is riskier than bottled water while others say the opposite. Many studies have been conducted on this topic, but there are still many unknown factors that might turn into an issue in the future.

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What is PFAS?

There are a few types of PFAS that are commonly found in the environment, including PFOA and PFOS. These chemicals have been linked to health problems, including pfas polluted water cancer.

PFOA and PFOS are both likely to become pollutants when they're released into the environment. This is because these substances can be turned into toxins by water polluters.

When these chemicals enter waterways, they can cause health problems for people who drink or swim in them. They can also harm animals that live near polluted waterways.

In humans, exposure to PFOA and PFOS has been linked to several serious health problems. These include:

  • cancer
  • heart disease
  • strokes
  • low birth weight babies

How does PFAS get into our bodies?

Pfas are a group of chemicals that are used in many products, including clothing and carpets. They can also end up in drinking water and other items that people use to eat or drink. The EPA says that people can be exposed to PFASs through the air, the water they drink, and the food they eat.


If you're worried about your exposure to Pfas, be sure to take advisory steps on how to reduce your chemical intake and protect yourself from environmental pollution.